366 Critter Challenge: August
Moon Slug $105
Stegosaur (deceased) $95
Ratasaurus $85
Tribble $85
Happy Shaggy Bear NFS
Fish Out of Water SOLD
Knotty Snake SOLD
PlaidCake $85
Blue Footed Booby #01 SOLD
Porcupine SOLD
Heckhound $85
Trioculus SOLD
Sexy Beastie SOLD
SwaggerMonster $115
Blue Footed Boobie #02 SOLD
Beast with a Nice Rack $155
Elephant Seal $105
Swine of the Aporkalypse $95
Ghost Slug $105
Ribbon Snake $115
Hoodü #08 SOLD
Hoodü Child #09 N/A (Sold as a set with 08/21 Hoodü #08)
Ornery Monster SOLD
Tooth Ferret SOLD
I Habe a Code SOLD
Tired Dingus SOLD
Creative Critter $95
Faaaaaat Piggie SOLD
Stinkeye Monster $95
Head Over Heels SOLD
Stegosaur 2.0 $105
Please Note: This gallery functions primarily to showcase the 366 Critter Challenge, and is not set up to process transactions at this time. If you would like to purchase any of these Critters, please contact me at 901-828-1521 or becky@beckyzee.com.