366 Critter Challenge: November
Derp the Dingus $75
Possum with Bag of Candy $125
Kerfluffle $75
Stork $95
Sleeping Kitty SOLD
Loggerhead Sea Turtle SOLD
Worried Yellow Doggie SOLD
Donkey SOLD
Hiding Hoodü #10 85
Ball of Sadness $115
Viking Monster $75
Sick Critter $65
Monster Fish SOLD
Sun Crab $95
Nettie the Loch Sardis Monster $125
HodgePodge the Samauri $95
Sumo Hamster SOLD
Ear Sprite $65
Bluebird of Apprehensiveness SOLD
Flatworm $95
Roundworm $105
Rolly Poly Pillbug $115
ÃœberSchnozzle SOLD
Jack the Turkey SOLD
Pillow Monster $95
Hawt Monster SOLD
SulkyBird SOLD
Amphibious Critter $95
Toothy Monster Fish $85
Hoodü Brü #11 SOLD
Please Note: This gallery functions primarily to showcase the 366 Critter Challenge, and is not set up to process transactions at this time. If you would like to purchase any of these Critters, please contact me at 901-828-1521 or becky@beckyzee.com.